Our Quality Management System will be implemented to ensure construction procedures in each definable feature of work are performed in compliance with the plans and specifications. This TQMS will provide a means to maintain effective quality control at the project site. The quality control measures as presented herein include quality control organization, methods of performing, documenting, and enforcing quality control operations (including inspection and testing).
A specific Inspection schedules will be followed and in order to maintain proper records of the inspections different forms will be used. These inspection stages include;
. Preparatory inspection
. Initial Inspections
. Follow-up Inspections
. Additional Inspections
Stage 1: Preparatory Inspection
Preparatory inspections will be performed prior to beginning work on any definable feature of the project one week prior to conducting a Preparatory Inspection. This stage will include:
. Review work requirements, Check to ensure all materials and equipment are on-hand, have been tested, submitted, and approved, document the Preparatory Inspection meeting and send copies of the meeting minutes to all parties.
. Check to assure that provisions have been made to provide required field quality control testing
. Examine the work area to ascertain that all preliminary work has been completed
. Verify all field dimensions and advise consultant of any discrepancies
. Perform a physical examination of materials and equipment to assure that they conform to approved shop drawings or submittal data and that all required materials and/or equipment are on hand and comply with the Contract requirements.
Stage 2: Initial Inspections
Initial stage inspections will be performed as soon as a representative portion of the particular feature of work has been accomplished. Initial inspections include, but are not limited to, examination of the quality of workmanship, review of control testing for compliance with control requirements.
The initial phase inspection is the time to discuss the required level of quality associated with a given work activity.
Stage 3: Follow-up Inspections
Follow-up inspections will be performed daily as work progresses to ensure continuing compliance with contract requirements, including control testing, until completion of the particular feature of work. Final follow-up inspections will be conducted and deficiencies corrected prior to beginning new work.
Stage 4: Additional Inspections
In addition to the above discussed inspections, another three inspections will be performed before hand over the project. Those are punch-out inspection, pre-final inspection and final acceptance inspection. These inspections will ensure that the project has achieved all the final quality requirements.
Punch-Out Inspection
The punch out inspection checks the last repairs and corrections of all the systems and components such as beams, roof structure, frame carpentry, plumbing top out, electrical rough in, HVAC rough in, roof covering inspection and stucco installation. The inspection with a detailed list of corrections items and repairs needed prior to closing. These checks will be conducted by site manager as quality QCM.
Pre-Final Inspection
When the construction has been substantially completed by the contractor, a pre-final inspection will be held. Those who should attend this inspection are the project manager, site manager and QA support at this inspection, following items will be submitted/ completed:
Final Acceptance Inspection
When all construction including punch list items have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the project is operating as designed, the final inspection can occur. Those who should attend this inspection are the project manager, representative from contractor, site manager and QA support at this inspection, following items will be submitted/ completed:
. Verification of punch-list items have completed.
. All required record drawings, maintenance bonds, warranties, guaranties, parts catalogs, etc., delivered to Project Manager
. Lien waivers for all subcontractors and suppliers presented to contractors
. Contacts for warrantee work by the Project Manager
• Verification that punch-list items are completed.
• A balanced financial status for the project. Include all expended costs, the final reconciliation of quantities (“clean-up”) change order, any retain age to be withheld, and catalog any miscellaneous outstanding project costs.
Inspection Parameter
Minimum QC Inspection Frequency
Acceptance Criteria (verified by )
Reinforcing Material Condition
Upon receipt at Site |
No visible defects or damage, no unscheduled
kinks or bends |
Reinforcing Bundle Identification
Upon receipt at Site |
Bundled and tagged with information |
Reinforcing Material Storage |
In accordance with Manufacturer’s recommendations & approved Work Plan |
In-Place Reinforcing
Prior to closing forms and continuous during pouring
In accordance with approved Work Plan, free of old
mortar, oils, mill scale and other encrustations or coatings |
In-Place Formwork
Prior to pouring of concrete
In accordance with approved Work Plan; no excess
water, hardened concrete, debris or foreign materials inside of forms, wet
wood forms sufficiently to tighten up cracks |
Concrete Truck
Upon arrival at Site
Load accompanied by weight master
bonded certificate, water container full, water added to concrete mixture in accordance requirement |
Sub grade Preparation
Prior to pouring of concrete
Fine grade earth and aggregate smooth
and level |
Concrete Placement
Continuous during pouring of concrete
In accordance with approved Work Plan, height of
concrete drop not to exceed 5 feet, place and compact within 60 minutes after
water is first added, do not place after evidence of initial set |
Equipment Size and Type
Continuous during pouring of concrete |
In accordance with approved Work Plan |
Concrete Lift Thickness |
Continuous during pouring of concrete |
Max. 18 inches per lift in continuous approximately
horizontal layers |
Maximum Deviation
Continuous during compaction of concrete |
1/4-inch from 10-foot straightedge for exposed finishes,
no low spots to impound water |
Formed Concrete Curing
Daily during curing of concrete
Forms maintained in wet condition until removed, concrete
continuously moist for min of 7 days after pouring |
Formed Concrete Finishing
After finishing of concrete
Fill holes and patch surfaces in accordance with specification |
Slabs and Flatwork Curing
Daily during curing of concrete
Concrete continuously wet for entire curing period |
Inspection Checklist
Under the quality inspection following major type should be checked.
The following characteristics of excavation should be reviewed:
1. Perform a thorough review of all site exploratory reports made during design and during construction.
2. Preview site plans to note any underground structures to be avoided, such as pipes and utilities.
3. Prior to commencing excavation, clearing, grubbing and stripping operations should be completed to the areas shown on the site excavation drawings. Provisions should be provided for dust abatement.
4. For mass excavation remove soil, boulders, coal and any other unclassified materials to the lines and grades shown on the drawings.
5. For structural excavation remove in-situ materials for structures, underground utilities, pipes, culverts, drains or diversion channels to the lines, grades, elevations and dimensions shown on the drawings.
6. Sumps and well points should be constructed and adequate pumps should be provided to prevent groundwater accumulation in the excavation.
7. Random sampling and testing should be performed on excavated material to note changes in soil classification or physical properties.
8. Borrow areas should be properly maintained to provide effective drainage and erosion control.
9. Excavation should be made to the lines, grades, elevations and dimensions as shown on the drawings or as directed by the foundation engineer or geologist to obtain a suitable foundation.
10. Completed excavation should be inspected, tested and accepted prior to placement of mud mats, slabs, pipes or structural backfill.
Earthwork (backfill)
The following characteristics of earthwork should be reviewed:
1. Determine the material requirements for the different types of earthwork on the construction project.
2. Check that material sources have been approved.
3. If method specifications are used, determine the compaction requirements. Determine what degree of compaction is needed to satisfy design criteria. Determine the type and weight of compaction equipment required and the number of equipment passes at a specified lift thickness necessary to meet density requirements.
4. Check that provisions are adequate for dust abatement.
5. Foundation should be inspected, tested and accepted prior to start of fill operations.
6. Provisions should be adequate for control and disposal of surface and subsurface water.
7. Fill and borrow areas should be maintained to provide effective drainage and are protected against erosion.
8. Field and laboratory tests should be conducted at the frequency specified to verify physical requirements of the fill material.
9. Fill material should meet moisture, compaction and density requirements and be placed in the specified lift thickness.
10. Moisture and density tests should be performed at random locations and at specified frequency.
11. Fill material should be brought to final grade and inspected tested and if acceptable then accept.
Concrete placement
The following characteristics of concrete placement should be reviewed:
1. Placing equipment is clean and free of loose concrete, mud, and other debris that could jeopardize the quality of the structure.
2. Reinforcing steel and embeds are clean and free of loose rust, grease or other matter that may adversely affect concrete bond.
3. Embedded piping has been tested as specified.
4. Joints and surfaces to receive concrete are free of deleterious materials.
5. Forms are clean and free of foreign material.
6. Provisions for hot or cold weather concrete protection are provided.
7. Concrete is placed in a manner to prevent segregation.
8. Placement of concrete is made in lift thickness as specified and within time restrictions between lifts for high lift placements.
9. Concrete is properly vibrated.
10. Placement is made to avoid excessive drying of fresh concrete before next lift is placed.
11. Concrete is sampled and tested at specified frequency for strength, slump, and temperature and unit weight.
12. Concrete is brought to final grade and finished as specified
Appendix 4.2: Field Inspection Check List for Earth Work
Field Inspection Checklist Earthwork |
Job Number |
Project |
CONTRACTOR: __________________________________ CONTRACT NO: ___________________ |
NO |
N/A |
GENERAL Is area released for work? Is equipment adequate? Are existing structures and utilities adequately
protected? Is removed material properly dispositional? Dust and
dirt control: a) Haul routes maintained for dust control – by
water or chemicals? b) All paved areas kept clean? EXCAVATION
OF TRENCHING Does completed depth and configuration comply with
drawings and Required shoring and bracing in place? Existing utilities protected? PLACING
AND COMPACTING FILL Excavation properly compacted and verified by test
lab? a) All sleeves, pipe cable, grounding, conduit
installed and approved? b) Approved fill material is used? Is fill being placed in level lifts within thickness
limits? Is proper compaction attained and verified by test
lab? Have contaminated (and spongy) areas been cut out,
filled and compacted with approved material? |
4.3: Daily Concrete Inspection Report
Concrete Inspection Report
Job Number Project Page of 1/1
CONTRACTOR: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STATION: -------------------------TO
STATION: ------------------------- OFFSET: --------------------------------
T/OFFS: ------------------------------ ELEVATION: -------------------------
TO ELEV: -----------------------------CONCRETE
TYPE: ---------------- MIX NO: ----------------------ADDITIVES:
TYPE OF DELIVERY: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELIVERY EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION/NUMBER: --------------------------------------------------------------------
PLACEMENT STARTED: DATE -----------------------
WEATHER CONDITIONS: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------CONCRETE WASTED: -------------------------
AVERAGE SLUMP: --------------- TEMPERATURE: ------------------
% AIR CONTENT: ----------------
TEST CYLINDERS PREPARED: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TRUCK IDENT: ------------------- TOTAL CYLINDERS: ------------
CYL IDENT: ----------------------SURFACE
CONDITION PRIOR TO PLACING: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONSOLIDATION: ---------------------------
AMOUNT VIBRATORS: ----------------------------------
VIBRATORS IDENT/RPM: -------------------------------
FINISHING STARTED: DATE-----------------------
FINISHING COMPLETED: DATE----------------------- TIME
------------- SHIFT --------------
CONDITION OF FINISH: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OR PLANNING):-------------------------
OBSERVATIONS/REMARKS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONCRETE INSPECTOR: ------------------------------------DATE:
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